
Baklâ: noun. Tagalog. 1) a person who is sexually attracted to people of the same sex; 2) Filipinx LGBTQ+ community; 3) unable to reproduce.

I’m an addict. The loss of his ancestor’s homeland sends ripples through time, emitting a cultural amnesia. Is sex the best cure for a headache?

1521 marks the arrival of the first European ship to the Philippines. What followed was 300 years of Spanish rule and a gradual yet profound cultural genocide of the native people. This show explores how intergenerational trauma takes shape in the modern Filipino.

It’s a daring and dishonest one-person-show about the treacherous road to liberation. It promises highly physical storytelling, sexy times and dark humour, tackling the complexities of our coping mechanisms.

Writer, choreographer, performer: Max Percy

Producer: Natalie Chan

Director: Robbie Taylor Hunt


This Is Not A Show About Hong Kong


Time Bathing